Bos & Glazier frequently associates with other top-rated law firms to handle major litigation. We blend our strategy, case development and trial ability with similar skills of other fine lawyers.
The most effective tool employed to win high stakes litigation is a cohesive trial team managed by a senior lawyer who allows each team member to contribute what that lawyer is best capable of producing. Our firm has such a reputation. That sets Bos & Glazier apart from many other firms and has allowed us to build special working arrangements with lawyers throughout the country.
For example, the Love Canal case had been pending in Buffalo, New York for sixteen years before Bos & Glazier was asked to try the case with lawyers from a Buffalo firm. Although previously settled out parties had paid seven-figure fees to technical experts who "prepared" the case for trial, the work product was insufficient. In less than six months, working with our Buffalo colleagues, we transformed the case with new experts for a mere fraction of the costs paid by the settled-out parties. Our collective work product forced a settlement of this huge case on the eve of trial.
We have developed similar working relationships with other firms throughout the country, including an "Of Counsel" relationship with a Los Angeles-based law firm, Meyers & McConnell. Bos & Glazier is thereby able to efficiently handle the largest of cases by quickly putting into place an excellent team of senior level lawyers located in the most appropriate place in the country. Our clients have found that the total legal expense for these collaborative efforts is less than they pay to large firms where teams of junior-level lawyers actually work-up similar cases. At the same time, Bos & Glazier does not have to incur the substantial expense of "staffing up" for major cases. Everybody benefits - except the opposition.