Every Bos & Glazier lawyer previously worked in a large law firm. Each lawyer therefore understands key benefits of a large firm:
- Numerous lawyers to work on major cases
- Effective collaboration on strategy recommendations
- Quick response to major client commitments
- National management of related cases pending in various cities
Because of our prior experience in larger firms, Bos & Glazier lawyers also understand key problems with such firms:
- Substantial overhead requirements
- Greater volume of cases than firms can effectively manage
- Significantly higher hourly rates to pay for overhead
- Bureaucratic delays in decision-making
- Inexperienced lawyers entrusted with major client projects
As a small law firm, Bos & Glazier's objective is to maximize the benefits and avoid the weaknesses of size. We have found the answer by networking with other top-rated local and national firms.
Networking has enabled us to maintain the streamlined benefits of being small while allowing us to expand our capability, as needed, with no additional overhead expense to us and our clients. Our law firm has developed a reputation as effective, decisive, problem-solving troubleshooters handling both local and national cases. We have developed our network of top-rated law firms in three primary ways:
- Primerus network of law firms
- American Bar Association Section of Litigation leadership
- Special working arrangements with national law firms