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Practice Methods - Technology

Bos & Glazier was an early adopter of law-firm technology. Carole Bos wrote the book on use of video in trials and depositions long before that became common-place.  We own our own video camera equipment  and record our own video depositions, when appropriate, to avoid the cost of hiring expensive videographers.  (In the right case and the right circumstance, we do use professional videographers as well).

For document-intensive cases, Bos & Glazier has invested in the hardware and software necessary to organize, store and locate critical documents at a moment's notice.  Everything is imaged, organized and easily retrievable. We are proponents of CaseMap and TimeMap, software that we own and use to help prepare for depositions, motions and trials.  We also use Trial Director and a variety of ipad apps to present evidence and demonstrative exhibits to judges and juries.  We take pride in our ability to match or out-perform the big-firm lawyers and staff in the marshaling and presentation of electronic evidence.

We also maintain an extensive library of court decisions, statutes and reference material, both print and electronic (but mostly electronic), on the topics that relate to the firm's practice. We subscribe to Westlaw's All Cases & Statutes State Litigator data base, which provides instant access to Federal and state law. And there is no extra charge for searches within the firm's data base plan.  Every attorney and paralegal has desktop access to the wealth of information available on the Internet.

Whether it is managing the 8 million documents in a mega-case like Love Canal, or seamlessly presenting a few hundred important items in court, Bos & Glazier stays ahead of the law-firm technology curve.

What Our Clients Say

The following quotes from several of our clients will help you understand the commitment Cunningham Dalman makes to each and every client it represents.
