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The Law of Wrongful Discharge

So, What makes a good lawsuit?

Posted by Bradley Glazier | Jan 29, 2014 | 0 Comments

Since most employees are "at-will," when can employees sue their employer when they think they have been wrongly fired?

Most employees must be able to fit their situations into one of the at will exceptions discussed in the previous post.  For example, an employee who takes an FMLA leave has the right to return to his position so long as his doctor clears him to return to work within 12 weeks of taking the leave.  An employee who is fired six weeks into their medical leave may have a strong claim that her employer violated the FMLA.  Or, an employee is fired for refusing her boss' sexual advances.  This is the classic example of sexual harassment.   Sexual Harassment in Michigan is prohibited by both Federal and state law.

Employees usually must also suffer lost wages as a result of the employer's action to have a good lawsuit.  A long period of unemployment or the necessity of taking a lower paying job leads to a claim for lost wages.

About the Author

Bradley Glazier

Bradley K. Glazier has enjoyed his success as trial lawyer for more than 30 years. In that time, Mr. Glazier has presented dozens of cases to judges, juries and arbitrators. He is a frequent speaker at employment litigation seminars.


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