Wins Cases

It is categorically impossible to list sufficient praises of Carole Bos in anything less than a lengthy essay. She wins cases. She wins cases at the lowest possible cost to the client. She wins cases with charm and zeal. She wins cases with pure law. She wins cases by exploiting the slightest chink in the opponent's armor, widening the gap and creating nuclear meltdown. She wins cases by bulldog tenacity. She wins cases by making the other side's witnesses laugh, cry, trust her and tell her the truth. If I have a case I absolutely, positively cannot afford to risk losing, I ask Carole Bos to represent us. Patrick M. Squire Vice President and General Counsel Interarms Alexandria, VA
– Patrick M. Squire

It is categorically impossible to list sufficient praises of Carole Bos in anything less than a lengthy essay.

Our Firm

Bos & Glazier is dedicated to supporting our clients in all cases, no matter the size. We are court room lawyers who use cutting-edge, sophisticated resources both in trial and behind the scenes.

What Our Clients Say

The following quotes from several of our clients will help you understand the commitment Bos & Glazier makes to each and every client it represents.